Don’t Panic! All orders are dispatched from our UK warehouse, and the further away from us you are, the longer delivery can take (see our Shipping and Returns page for more details).

You will receive a shipping confirmation email which contains the tracking information once your order ships. If you are having trouble tracking your parcel, or your order exceeds the expected number of days outlined in our shipping information, please contact our Customer Service team who will be happy to help you locate it.


Unfortunately, once an order has been placed and paid for online it cannot be cancelled. Should you no longer want to keep your purchase we ask that you wait for your order to arrive then follow our returns process to ship your items back to us

No, but you can shop on our website, which accepts most credit & debit cards, and PayPal.

If you experience any trouble placing an order online please contact our Customer Care team so that we can give you a hand. Please make sure you have Cookies enabled on your browser, as this can affect the purchase process.

For ReVivo orders we continue to ship from our UK warehouse as normal. All EU taxes and VAT are included in the price and there will be no extra charges or fees. For all orders shipped outside the UK/EU the charge varies depending on the destination.


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